Para cabezales de flash OCF B1 y B10
Iluminación suave y favorecedora
Varillas codificadas por colores, requiere anillo de velocidad
Difusor frontal fijo
Difusor interior extraíble
Anillo de velocidad opcional pendiente de patente
Red suave opcional
Configuración rápida
Paga con tranquilidad en nuestro TPV virtual 100% seguro.
Los pedidos se entregan en un plazo de 5 a 7 días laborables.
Recuerda que tienes 15 días, desde la recepción del pedido, para solicitar la devolución.

This 30 x 90 cm Profoto OCF Softbox is part of the Off Camera Flash accessory system intended for to B1s and B10s OCF Flash Heads. Light weight and speed are evident throughout its construction. The fixed front diffuser saves on setup time, as do the color-coded support rods that mount quickly to the separately-purchased, patent-pending speed ring. This 30 x 90 strip softbox is ideal for use as a hairlight or rimlight on a stand or overhead on a boom. It also produces a long, elegant highlight in reflective objects in product or tabletop work. An optional fabric grid is available to narrow the softbox's beam and add directional control.
OCF Speed ring (sold separately) is required to assemble OCF Softboxes
For B1s and B10s OCF Flash Heads
Soft, flattering lighting
Color-coded rods
Fixed front diffuser
Removable interior diffuser
Optional patent-pending speed ring
Optional softgrid
Fast setup